Brad Vogel is the author of the poetry collection Find Me in the Feral Pockets (Euphrosine, 2024), featured by The New Yorker in spring 2024, as well as the collection Broad Meadow Bird (Euphrosine, 2015). His writing has appeared in The New York Times. A finalist for the 2020 Erskine J. Prize, his poetry has been published in Smartish Pace; The Freshwater Review; No, Dear; SIZL; Solitary Plover; The Nature of Our Times; Mañana Temprano; Menagerie, Deadline Gowanus, and more. Vogel organizes the annual NYC Poets Afloat residencies and reading series aboard vessels in NY Harbor, as well as the annual dawn canoe reading on the Gowanus Canal as part of the Brooklyn Book Festival. He serves on the board of the Walt Whitman Initiative.

Vogel’s poetry in Find Me in the Feral Pockets has been adapted and set to music by composer Ford Fourqurean in the multi-song “Not In Fact Dead” and his poem “Extremophiles” inspired a song by the same name from composer Wes Braver.

Previously a resident of both New Orleans (where he graduated from Tulane Law School) and Wisconsin, Vogel is an active resident of Gowanus, Brooklyn. His poetry has continued to crop up around the edges of his many educational, work, and extracurricular ventures over the past two decades. Vogel’s poetry draws on an eclectic variety of influences and focuses on attempts, direct and indirect, to crystallize moments and refract them back to the reader or listener in unexpected, lyrical, insight-laden ways. He counts Robinson Jeffers, Lorine Niedecker, Gabriel Gudding, and Walt Whitman among his favorite poets.